Do you want something constructive to do to save our state?
Our Founders knew that the only way to keep our Republic where we are the sovereigns is to have an educated and engaged citizenry to maintain a government OF, BY and FOR THE PEOPLE. Part of our civic duty to maintain power in the hands of THE PEOPLE is to hold our elected officials accountable.
The NC Legislative Scorecard is an initiative of The Conservative Coalition of North Carolina of which Asheville Tea PAC is a Board Member. We are looking for Chairs and Members of various committees.
We need folks like you to review and score North Carolina General Assembly bills.
Pick your team (see below). Bills passed by either the NC House or US Senate will be scrutinized and scored by you. You don't have to go anywhere. Conferring with your committee members is done on a Zoom conference call. A Zoom call takes place after committee members have read the bill and determined if the bill is constitutional or not. As a committee, you determine an Up or Down vote and state your reasons for the determination.
Your determination and reasons trigger a statewide Action Alert for North Carolinians to contact their elected NC officials (NC House or NC Senate) to vote either yeah or nay. (Legislators don't like getting these calls. They won't make us popular. But the scorecard will get them to think about what they are drafting in future bills because they will know we are watching!)
Please contact either Jane Bilello at 209 986 3845 or Jim Womack at 919 770 4783 for further questions and to sign up.
Please just don't be an internet warrior. You preach to the choir. Make a difference to restore our nation and our state to its rightful owners - US. Thank you.
Civil Liberties Jane Bilello & Sue Butcher Filled Filled
Business & Economic Filled
Agriculture & Farming Jordan Bowman
Elections , Redistricting & Jay Delancey Filled
Banking & Finance Filled
K-12 Public Education Dr. Terry Stoops Sherry Womack
Higher Education
Health & Human Jim Womack
Transportation &
Insurance, Labor & Filled
Military & Veterans Vernon Robinson CSM )Ret) Alex
Cutural, Recreactional, Filled
Sports & Leisure
Appropriations & Budget
Energy & Environment John Droz Jim Womack
_______________________________________________________________________e**Each category receives an overall score
*Category Scores are Weighted based on the number of bills
*Each Bill is Weighted - 1X for Routing Legislation; 2X for Significant Public Impact; and 3X for Landmark Legislation with Long Term Impact
*Only those bills are scored that are voted out of House and Senate